2022 Powering Potential

Nine teams presented their solutions to some of the world's biggest issues at 2022 Powering Potential in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington.
Team KĀKĀRIKI - ‘Plant Doctors’
Team members: Simon Langham, Jomana Moharram, Evielyn Pearce, Nora Paicu, Siv Ear
Mentor: Dr Kwasi Adusei-Fosu, Scion
“What are some of the pathogens damaging our iconic taonga and our commercial forest trees, and what are some of the practical methods we can apply to manage, control, and eradicate them?”
Team KARAKA - ‘Underpaid Researchers’
Team members: Sam Jack, Emily Templeton, Lara Shierlaw, Tomas Toniollo, Anjali Nandedkar, Kristine Escueta, Stella Anderson
Mentor: Dr Sereana Naepi, University of Auckland
“How can we hold the government accountable to its goals to create a stable and valuable workforce for researchers?”
Team KIKORANGI - ‘Kelp Krusaders’
Team members: Isabelle Booth, Emily Cropp, Jessica Walton, Una Drayton, Josh Hogarty
Mentor: Dr Christopher Cornwall, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
“How will climate change impact New Zealand’s kelp forests?”
Team KŌWHAI - ‘Treemasons’
Team members: Henry Wilson, Kate McIntosh, Nicolas Powell, Grace Sayer, Maz Cameron, Bill Campbell, Tara Stevens
Mentor: Associate Professor Cate Macinnis-Ng, University of Auckland
“Introduced and native tree plantations exist throughout the Aotearoa landscape – but which is more effective as a nature based solution to climate change both in the short and long term?”
Team MĀ - ‘Paradoctors’
Team members: Anchal Sharma, Katie Stephens, Prisha Kadakia, Ronan Melville, Princya Karumalil
Mentor: Dr Ágnes Szabó, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington
“Why do recent immigrants have a health advantage and why does it disappear with more time spent in their new country?”
Team MĀWHERO - ‘Busy Bees’
Team members: Amita Ram, Gianna Butler, Pippiana Voakes, Thomas
Jenson, Michael Yao, Wiseson Kuang
Mentor: Dr Sereana Naepi, University of Auckland
“Our research and innovation sector is going through transformational change in the next 5 years, how can we ensure that it delivers on its equity and workforce development goals?”
Team PANGO- ‘Super Spreaders’
Team members: Kaita Hummel, Imogen Holsford, Mikayla Furrness, Dylan Hiini, Allwin Christopher
Mentor: Dr Htin Aung, University of Otago
“How has “Covidisation” impacted on other infectious diseases?”
Team PĀPURA - ‘Sci Comms’
Team members: Sam Wright, Neocris Mocada, You Ran Wang, Ebony Kalin, Fatima Tayyib, Anatol Coen, Katie Kinnard
Mentor: Xindi Andy Wang, University of Auckland
“How do scientists or the scientific community engage and increase young peoples understanding of science, and why is this significant?”
Team WHERO - ‘Maltesers’
Team members: Ash Thomson, Leilani Romano, Molly Ellery, Sage Garrett, Max Tunnicliffe, Samuel Crump
Mentor: Te Rerekohu Tuterangiwhiu, Cawthron Institute
“How whakapapa is important in the sustainability of Aotearoa’s future.”