4th One Health Aotearoa Symposium
The 4th One Health Aotearoa Symposium brings together infectious diseases scientists and professionals from the fields of human, animal and environmental health in order to address priority One Health issues

Themes of the 4th One Health Aotearoa Symposium include: antimicrobial resistance, infectious diseases and inequality, Mahinga kai and Mātauranga Māori, One Health science and policy, food safety and security, emerging infectious diseases and One Health economics.
Abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations which fit into the symposium themes are invited by the closing date of Friday 20 July. Early bird registration rates are available until Friday 14 September.
One Health Aotearoa
Nordmeyer Theatre, University of Otago Wellington
12:00am Wed 12 December, 2018 - 11:59pm Thu 13 December, 2018