Science Network of Expertise - Westport
Workshop 14 August
Participation in this programme will provide the chance to connect teachers of science in years 1-10 and provide the opportunity for you to share and collaborate.
The workshop will involve your active participation with other teachers around:
• Science in the New Zealand Curriculum;
• Looking at key research and evidence which informs science teaching practice;
• Understanding how science capabilities can be developed in our students;
• Recognising progression in science;
• Advice and guidance around building capability and adaptive expertise in science teaching and learning;
• Developing and growing a robust network of science teachers
All teachers of students from Yrs 1- 10 and who teach science, are encouraged to attend regardless of experience or levels taught.
There is no cost for NZASE members.
Non NZASE members: $325 + GST or join NZASE to save.
Morning tea will be provided.
Places will be limited, and teachers from NZASE member schools will be given priority.
Buller High School
8:30am Wed 14 August, 2019 - 3:30pm Wed 14 August, 2019