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ShakeOut NZ, 2018

Thursday 18 October

 ShakeOut ONLY Logo

All of New Zealand is at risk of earthquakes and all of our coastline is at risk of tsunami. We can’t predict when one will happen, but we can protect ourselves and our family.

ShakeOutNZ is our national earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi, taking place on Thursday 18 October 2018 at 9:30am.

All preschools, schools, businesses, organisations and households are encouraged to sign up, hold a Drop, Cover and Hold drill, and if in a tsunami zone - plan a tsunami hīkoi (evacuation walk).

Drop, Cover and Hold is the right action to take during an earthquake.

It stops you being knocked over, makes you a smaller target for falling and flying objects and protects your head, neck and vital organs. It’s important to practise the right action to take, so when a real earthquake happens, we know what to do.

Sign up for New Zealand 2018 ShakeOut

ShakeOut NZ Resources

GNS resources about Earthquakes

GNS resources about Tsunami


What’s the Plan Stan?  A ShakeOut LEARNZ trip