Published 12 May 2022Emeritus Professor Alison Mercer ONZM FRSNZ elected as International Member of the National Academy of Sciences

Last week, the National Academy of Sciences in the United States announced the election of 120 Members and 30 International Members in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.
Now among the 517 International Members of this Academy is Emeritus Professor Alison Mercer ONZM FRSNZ, who is one of only four living New Zealanders to be honoured with this title.
Professor Mercer is based at the Zoology Department Te Tari Mātai Kararehe and the Brain Health Research Centre Te Pokapū Rakahau Hauora Hinekaro at the University of Otago, where she studies the brain and behaviour of honey bees, developmental genetics, learning, memory and much more.
Professor Mercer told Royal Society Te Apārangi she was "deeply moved by the invitation to join the National Academy of Sciences".
"I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with many extraordinarily talented students and early career research scientists over the years and their work is strongly reflected in this honour.
"I am also immensely grateful for the support I have received over the years from the Royal Society of New Zealand's Marsden Fund. It is a mainstay of fundamental research in New Zealand and I am so pleased to be able to give something back.
"I am looking forward to being able to maintain strong contacts with the international science community, which I care a great deal about, and to contribute in whatever way I can to the work of the Academy. The Academy provides independent, objective advice to the United States federal government and other organisations on matters related to science and technology."