Published 13 August 2020Research Funding COVID-19 Update #7
Royal Society Te Apārangi is taking steps to try to minimise the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on its operations, while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our staff, the people and communities with whom we work. Kia tū, kia oho, kia mataara tātou. Let us all be vigilant against COVID-19
Marsden Fund Referee Response Deadline 2020 – Update for Research Offices, Applicants and Panellists
With the recent move to Alert Level 3 for Auckland, and Alert Level 2 for the rest of Aotearoa New Zealand, we anticipate disruption to researchers and research offices due to COVID-19. We anticipate that our September panel meetings will be run to the original timeline to ensure that the Marsden Fund assessment process can be adhered to. However, there remains a need within the community to have more time to respond to referee reports for the full round. To balance the need for an extension of response time with the panellists’ workloads (ensuring they have enough time to read the responses) we are extending the deadline for responses to the main batch of referee reports by an additional five days to 12 noon on Monday 31 August 2020.
For panellists, this will mean a five-day delay sending the main compilation of responses out.
This update will also be sent to all Research Offices, all applicants in the full round, and all Marsden panellists.
Kia kaha tātou ki te tiaki i a tātou anō. Let us be vigilant and take care of ourselves and others.