Published 26 September 2018Winners of the 180 Seconds of Discovery video competition announced

Targeted treatments for wormy lambs and a 'finger reader' for the visually impaired are the winning videos of the 180 Seconds of Discovery video competition for postgraduate students and early career researchers.
New Zealand-based post-graduates and ECRs were invited to share their research in a 3-minute video, uploaded on The videos received over 20,000 views from around world and a total of 1326 votes.
Future Leader Award
The Future Leader Award with a $3,000 prize went to Seer Ikurior for his video Wormy Lambs: Using Sensing Technologies to Make Targeted Treatments.
People's Choice
The People's Choice category with a prize of $1000 went to Suranga Nanayakkara with his video FingerReader: Enabling People with Visual Impairments to Access Information on the Go. (558 votes)
The Royal Society Te Apārangi ECR Forum committee would like to thank the sponsors of the 180 Seconds of Discovery video competition and all participants that made this year’s video competition such a success.