Bucklands Beach Intermediate – Stuart Read

2016 | You can’t outrun the benefits of exercise!
School: Bucklands Beach Intermediate
Host: The University of Auckland, Department of Sport and Exercise Science
Region: Auckland
Bucklands Beach Intermediate’s vision is to educate students in science so that they can participate in society as critical, informed and responsible citizens. The school’s Science Strategic Plan is future focused and includes goals and a plan to achieve them. The school wants to lift its achievement in science for all their students. Through Stuart Read’s participation in the Science Teaching Leadership Programme, Bucklands Beach Intermediate hopes to strengthen staff understanding around the Nature of Science and also utilise the leadership capabilities that Stuart will learn during the programme.
Stuart teaches at Bucklands Beach Intermediate. A classroom teacher for 18 years, he moved into a science specialist role in 2015. Stuart will return to the classroom in semester two, 2016 as a team leader. Stuart is particularly passionate about teaching science with the goal to educate students in science so that they can live their lives as informed citizens.
Stuart was hosted by Auckland University’s Department of Exercise Sciences. Stuart observed and participated in the teaching and research activities conducted within the department. Stuart extended his understanding of how scientists work in the world of exercise sciences, especially the disciplines of exercise physiology, movement neuroscience, exercise psychology and computational movement science. This interaction provided Stuart with invaluable insights into how exercise scientists gather and interpret data, use and critique evidence, communicate information and develop real world solutions.
Stuart has enjoyed many varied experiences during his time:
- He been a test subject where a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation machine has been used to determine latency of motor evoked potentials.
- Participated in a double blind test which was testing an energy product.
- Carried out laboratory and clinic observations.
- Interviewed faculty staff about their research and areas of expertise.
Stuart conducted a case study on himself. He investigated the question “Will exercise and a balanced diet benefit my health and well-being?” This involved gathering some baseline data which indicated some areas of real concern. A 12 Week Challenge intervention programme was developed by a faculty staff member. Stuart changed his diet and sedentary lifestyle, joined the gym after work, and monitored his progress. It was the hardest things he has done, but after 12 Weeks Stuart had lost 10 kilos, reduced his BMI from 31.2 to 28.3, lost 11 cm off his waist and improved VO2 Max results from 58-73%. His lifestyle now has exercise built into it and he is eating a healthy, balanced diet.
Stuart is incredibly indebted to Mr Paul Nolan, Teaching Fellow, for his input and guidance during his case study. Not only has it been life changing but he has experienced first hand the Nature of Science. Stuart is keen to take what he has learned back to his school, to improve present and future health outcomes for all students.
Stuart learned an incredible amount about the Nature of Science and the 5 Science Capabilities during the hands on, engaging workshops held in Wellington. The leadership course in Dunedin equipped him with the important leadership tools and strategies that he will need upon his return to school.
Stuart would like to thank the wonderful staff of Royal Society of New Zealand for administering the Science Teacher Leadership Programme. Stuart would also like to thank Associate Professor Greg Anson and the staff of the Department of Exercise Sciences for being such tremendous hosts. It was an immense privilege for him to learn about the Nature of Science and the 5 Science Capabilities in such an authentic real world context.