Ross Intermediate School – Sharyn Loveridge

2017 | Planting seeds from the past to feed our future
School: Ross Intermediate School
Host: Massey University, Department of Maori Resources and Agriculture
Region: Manawatu-Wanganui
Ross Intermediate School believes that science needs to be practical, taught within a meaningful context and based on the process of inquiry. Having a teacher with the opportunity to develop science leadership skills through the Science Teaching Leadership Programme will be highly advantageous for Sharyn’s school, as it will enable her to build the professional development of teachers through greater depth and understanding of the Nature of Science. Ultimately this will enhance the engagement of students and teachers within Sharyn’s Community Of Learning.
Sharyn has sixteen years of primary teaching experience, during which she has taught students from a diverse range of ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds. The role of Science Specialist at Ross Intermediate has enabled Sharyn to express her passion for science teaching.
She is continually seeking new ways to improve her science programme and her participation in the Science Teaching Leadership Programme has given Sharyn new and deeper understandings and skills which she will take back to school next term to share with both students and teachers.
Sharyn was fortunate enough to be hosted by Dr Nick Roskruge from the Massey University, Department of Maori Resources and Agriculture. She was involved in a diverse range of experiences including:
- Planting and harvesting traditional crops
- Collection of seeds
- Research
- Working alongside doctoral and other post graduate students from around the Pacific
- Visiting past STLP participants at their schools
The Science Teaching Leadership Programme has provided Sharyn with a tremendous growth experience personally, professionally and as a leader. It has allowed her to spend valuable time reflecting on her teaching practice.
One aspect that has been enhanced is Sharyn’s understanding of the Nature of Science. Her placement has enabled her to observe first-hand how the work scientists do relates to Nature of Science and the Science Capabilities – particularly within a cultural context. She has a deepened understanding of the importance of the inclusion of Te Ao Māori in a science programme.
During her time on the programme, Sharyn has also had the opportunity to explore many aspects of her own leadership. When she returns to school she intends to use her strengths and skills to improve the engagement and achievement of students in Science by providing professional learning for her colleagues in order to increase their confidence, understanding and prowess.
Sharyn would like to extend a huge mihi to her host, Dr Nick Roskruge for his manaakitanga and for generously sharing his time and knowledge. She has appreciated the efforts of all of the other people who worked with her and welcomed her into their workplace.
She also wants to acknowledge and thank the Royal Society Te Apārangi for their advice and support throughout the programme.
Participating in the Science Teaching Leadership Programme has truly been a life changing experience for Sharyn.