Dr Tony Conner — Deputy Chair of the AEC

Tony was elected as a Companion of the Royal Society of New Zealand in 2003 and as a Fellow in 2011. He was elected for a three-year term as Vice President (Biological and Life Sciences) of the Academic Executive Committee in 2018. This evolved into the deputy chair role of AEC in 2019, for which he was recently re-elected through to 30 June 2022.
Q: What inspired you to take on the role of Deputy Chair of the AEC?
A: The opportunity to give something back to the research community after being supported and mentored by many peers over my career.
Q: What are some highlights in your career thus far? (Tony’s research career has focused on the applications of plant biotechnology and genomics to crop improvement and the integration of these emerging technologies into plant breeding programmes.)
A: Career highlights have been contributing to the adoption of these new technologies across pasture, arable and horticultural crops in global food production systems.
Q: What will be your focus for the AEC?
A: Supporting Charlotte Macdonald as chair of AEC and Brent Clothier as incoming president in implementing the updated strategic plan of Royal Society Te Apārangi. He is a keen supporter of recognising multiple forms of excellence and reaching out to a more diverse research community.
Q: What does life outside of your profession look like for you?
A: Recently ‘retired’ after a 40-year career in the CRI system that included AgResearch, Plant & Food Research, Crop & Food Research, and DSIR before the CRIs. Currently enjoying Emeritus Scientist status in AgResearch that involves tidying up some loose research ends over a career, some science writing, and initiating new research on gene drive mimics in plants. At home, retirement allows more time to reinvigorate a hobby of flower breeding.