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FAQs for NZ ORCID Consortium members

FAQs for NZ ORCID Consortium members

How do I find out ORCID record holders at my organisation?

You can search using ORCID's public APIs. This searches for information that people have made public in their ORCID records. Searching by email address is unreliable as few people make their email address public. It is better to search using an affiliation as people are more likely to have this on view publicly. ORCID have a tutorial on searching for this information


How do I read my member data report in the ORCID monthly newsletter?

ORCID's monthly newsletter, sent to your organisation's main ORCID contact contains data on the number of ORCID record holders at your organisation. ORCID's website has information on how to read the report

How can I spread the word about ORCID In my organisation?

To get the word out about ORCID and to support your outreach efforts, ORCID provide a variety of print and electronic resources, including: flyers; banners; slides; and, adaptable text. These can be found here
Several consortium members have shared their experiences of ORCID outreach and resources used in our consortium sharespace. You are welcome to repurpose these.

I want to build an ORCID integration for my organisation as well as/instead of using the NZ ORCID Hub. Where do I start?

You need to register your integration with the ORCID sandbox and demonstrate it to ORCID before they will give you API credentials for the production ORCID site. You can have up to 5 sets of API credentials for your organisation. More information on getting started can be found on ORCID's website. You can also take a look at the information that we have published about commonly used ORCID-integrated systems