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Our Branches

View our ten Branches. They are strong active societies, with their own local programmes of lectures, meetings and events.

Our Branches are distinct, separate regional organisations with close links with the Society, rather than “local branches” as such. Some Branch events are held in association with Royal Society Te Apārangi.

As part of our 150th Anniversary in 2017, learn about the history of our branches.

List of Branches

Auckland Museum Institute

Address: Auckland Museum Institute, Private Bag 92018, AUCKLAND 1142

President: Roger Lins rj.lins@auckland.ac.nz

Vice President: Hamish McGhie hamishjmcghie@gmail.com

Contact: Scott Pilkington: scott.pilkington@aut.ac.nz 

Hawkes Bay Branch of Royal Society Te Apārangi

(Hawkes Bay Branch of the Royal Society New Zealand)

President:  Antony Steiner president@hawkesbay.rsnzbranch.org.nz or asteiner31@gmail.com

Vice President: Moon Chen secretary@hawkesbay.rsnzbranch.org.nz

Nelson Science Society

(website under review and will be available soon)

President: Jenny Pollock nelson.sci.soc@gmail.com

Contact: Jenny Pollock nelson.sci.soc@gmail.com 

Otago Institute for the Arts and Sciences

Address: Otago Institute for Arts and Sciences, PO Box 6373, DUNEDIN NORTH 9059

President: Barbara Anderson Drbarbarajanderson@gmail.com

Secretary: Louis Whitburn louis@whitburn.nz 

Contact contact@otago-institute.org

Royal Society Te Apārangi Canterbury Branch

(Royal Society New Zealand Canterbury Branch)

Address: Royal Society of New Zealand Canterbury Branch, PO Box 8558, Riccarton, CHRISTCHURCH 8544

President: Roger Fagg r.fagg@xtra.co.nz 

Vice President: Krishna Dev Bhatta kdbhatta02@hotmail.com

Royal Society Te Apārangi Manawatū Branch Inc.

(Royal Society New Zealand Manawatū inc.)  

(website under review and will be available soon)

President: Robert McLachlan R.McLachlan@massey.ac.nz

Secretary:  Kate Arentsen kate.arentsen@biolumic.com

Treasurer: Kate Arentsen kate.arentsen@biolumic.com

Royal Society Te Apārangi Rotorua Branch

(Royal Society New Zealand Rotorua Branch)

Address: Royal Society of New Zealand Rotorua Branch, SCION, Private Bag 3020, ROTORUA 3040

Contact: rotoruascience@outlook.com

Royal Society Te Apārangi Wellington Branch

(Royal Society New Zealand Wellington Branch)

Address: Royal Society of New Zealand Wellington Branch, PO Box 3085, WELLINGTON 6140

President: David Lillis sigma@outlook.co.nz 

Contact:  Brian Jones (Treasurer) caligus50@gmail.com

The Waikato Branch of Royal Society Te Apārangi

(The Waikato Branch of the Royal Society New Zealand)

President: Paul Taylor statfishtics@actrix.co.nz

Contact: Paul Taylor info@rsnzwaikato.org

Wānaka Branch of Royal Society Te Apārangi

(Wanaka Branch of the Royal Society New Zealand)

President: Colin Townsend colin.townsend.otago@gmail.com  

Vice President: Allan MacLean allanbmaclean@gmail.com


If you need to update your Branch contact details, please email membership@royalsociety.org.nz.