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Contract Reporting

Details of contract reporting for Catalyst Fund recipients

Annual reporting on the progress of the funded activities is a contractual obligation for all Catalyst Seeding, Leaders, and Influence grant recipients.  Reporting due dates are detailed in the individual funding Contracts. Reports should be completed on the appropriate reporting template given below, and be submitted electronically to the address: International.Applications@royalsociety.org.nz

Reporting template for Catalyst: Seeding Contracts

The same reporting template is used for all Catalyst: Seeding Programmes, including Catalyst: Seeding General, the New Zealand - Germany Science & Technology Programme, the Dumont d'Urville Programme, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Joint Research Projects.

Catalyst: Seeding Activity Report Template

Reporting template for Catalyst: Leaders Contracts

For ILF, JVH and China contracts: Catalyst: Leaders Activity Report Template

For HOPE contracts: Catalyst: Leaders HOPE Report Template

Financial reconciliation

A financial reconciliation is required with the final report of International Leader Fellowships, Julius Von Hasst Fellowships, and all Catalyst: Seeding grants with a value in excess of $12,000. An excel budget spreadsheet template applicable to all of these schemes can be downloaded from below.  Please ensure that the declaration (third tab) is signed off. 

Catalyst: Financial Reconciliation Template

Catalyst grants that have less than $10,000 (GST exclusive) of unspent funding may be used (at the discretion of the Society) for any purposes that relate to the Catalyst project. In this case, the organisation must make a case for how they will spend the funding in line with the Catalyst project.

Reporting template for Catalyst: Influence Travel Awards

For New Zealand delegates travelling to international unions supported under Catalyst: Influence.  Delegates are required to submit a report on the outcomes of the meeting to the Society within a month after returning to New Zealand.

Catalyst: Influence International Union meeting attendance Template