Mana Tangatarua: Mixed heritages and biculturalism in Aotearoa/New Zealand – Z Rocha and Melinda Webber (2017)

This edited collection looks at mixed race and mixed ethnic identity in New Zealand: a unique context, as multiple ethnic identities have been officially recognised for more than 30 years
Publication details
Rocha, Z., & Webber, M. (2017). Mana tangatarua: Mixed heritages and biculturalism in Aotearoa/New Zealand. New York, NY: Routledge.
About the book
Editors, Zarine Rocha and Melinda Webber (Ngāti Whakaue Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Hau) draw upon research across a range of disciplines, exploring the historical and contemporary ways in which official and social understandings of mixed race and ethnicity have changed. It focuses on the interactions between race, ethnicity, national identity, indigeneity and culture, especially in terms of visibility and self-defined identity in the New Zealand context.
Mana Tangatarua situates New Zealand in the existing international scholarship, positioning experiences from New Zealand within theoretical understandings of mixedness. The chapters develop wider theories of mixed race and mixed ethnic identity, at macro and micro levels, looking at the interconnections between the two. The volume as a whole reveals the diverse ways in which mixed race is experienced and understood, providing a key contribution to the theory and development of mixed race globally.
Further information
This publication is part of the series Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications - a sample list of 150 non-fiction books produced by a partnership between Royal Society Te Apārangi and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.