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How to nominate

How to nominate someone for Tahunui-a-Rangi.


The criteria for Tahunui-a-Rangi are as follows: 

  1. World class ingenuity and/or creative use of new knowledge in a unique structure, device, product, design, system, process, service or artefact(s);
  2. Demonstrable impact of the invention/creation which may include evidence such as changed practices or ways of thinking in a community of significant size, widespread uptake by end-users, displacement of other products or services, or commercial success;
  3. Recognition of the beneficial impacts of the invention/creation.

The key inventive and/or creative activities, should have been undertaken in New Zealand, and normally within the last five years. No more than four team leaders may be identified in the nomination.


Nominations may be made by any person, other than the nominee. Please email the Academy (academy@royalsociety.org.nz) if you wish to submit a new nomination and you will be provided with a URL to access the web portal. When seeking to apply for a team nomination, Nominators should indicate that they should be sent a team nomination URL.

Nominations should include: 

  • One sentence citation of not more than 25 words, describing the achievement, which may be used for publicity purposes;
  • Nomination summary of not more than 100 words, that clearly explains their research/contribution to the understanding of their field to a non-specialist;
  • Nomination statement of no more than 500 words outlining the case the nominee (individual or team) has made to the invention/creation, the nature of the ingenuity/creative use of new knowledge, the impact of the invention/creation, its recognition either nationally or more widely, and any commercial success;
  • Supporting documents
    • Curriculum vitae(s) of nominee/team leaders (up to four);
    • List of up to ten significant pieces of supporting evidence (e.g. key publications or other evidence of invention/creation and impact);
    • Two references (to be arranged by the nominator), from outside the nominee/team’s institution.

Please note:

  1. The Nominee section for team applications, should include the team name. CVs of up to four team leaders may be included with the nomination. The Nomination Statement should make clear the contributions of the team leaders to the success of the team.
  2. A nominee may require that the evaluation panel sign an appropriate confidentiality agreement.
  3. Please also review general criteria that apply to all Royal Society Te Apārangi medals and awards.