Marsden awards 2014

View Marsden Fund grants awarded in 2014
Project | Project ID | Contact Investigator | Institution | Panel | Funding (GST excl) |
The permeability of the Antarctic vortex | BDS1401 | Dr GE Bodeker | Bodeker Scientific | ESA | $785,000.00 |
Adaptive evolution in changing environments: can epigenetic variation compensate for low genetic diversity? | CAW1401 | Dr KF Smith | Cawthron Institute | EEB | $300,000.00 |
Fast-forward fish: resilience of exploited marine populations to a changing ocean | DGF1401 | Dr P Neubauer | Dragonfly Science | EEB | $300,000.00 |
Efficient energy processing at the nanoscale: the physics of how cells use energy | FRI1401 | Dr KJ Challis | Scion | PCB | $300,000.00 |
Nano-thermoelectric generators | GNS1401 | Dr JV Kennedy | GNS Science | EIS | $695,000.00 |
Characterising ribosomal RNA gene activation, a novel Achilles heel of cancer | MAU1401 | Dr ARD Ganley | Massey University Albany | BMS | $820,000.00 |
Investigation of SUSHI-mediated early signalling events in plant innate immunity | MAU1402 | Dr KH Sohn | Massey University | CMP | $300,000.00 |
When genomes collide: how allopolyploids respond to genome shock | MAU1403 | Associate Professor MP Cox | Massey University | EEB | $808,000.00 |
Lineage selection and the evolution of cancer | MAU1404 | Professor PB Rainey | Massey University | EEB | $808,000.00 |
Linking genes, phenotypes and communities: uncovering heritable variation in community structure | MAU1405 | Dr JD Aguirre | Massey University | EEB | $300,000.00 |
Modelling, inference and prediction for dynamic traffic networks | MAU1406 | Professor ML Hazelton | Massey University | MIS | $380,000.00 |
Automatically deriving the model of digital ink sketches | MAU1407 | Dr RV Blagojevic | Massey University Manawatu | MIS | $300,000.00 |
Geometric numerical integration: new structures and applications | MAU1408 | Professor RI McLachlan | Massey University | MIS | $440,000.00 |
Putting the squeeze on atoms and molecules: accurate quantum simulations of atomic and molecular phases under high pressures and temperatures | MAU1409 | Professor PA Schwerdtfeger | Massey University Albany | PCB | $750,000.00 |
Complex multicomponent metal-organic frameworks | MAU1411 | Associate Professor SG Telfer | Massey University | PCB | $750,000.00 |
The business of care: constructing a childcare market in Aotearoa/New Zealand | MAU1410 | Dr A Gallagher | Massey University | SOC | $250,000.00 |
An insect jumping gene to guide personalised cancer medicine | UOA1401 | Professor WR Wilson | The University of Auckland | BMS | $805,000.00 |
Creating neural bridges: a conducting polymer neurotransmitter releasing system | UOA1402 | Dr DM Svirskis | University of Auckland | BMS | $300,000.00 |
Diabetic heart pathology: is it all about the glycogen? | UOA1403 | Dr KM Mellor | The University of Auckland | BMS | $300,000.00 |
Treating cutaneous inflammation by putting skin on a fat-free diet | UOA1404 | Dr CJ Hall | The University of Auckland | BMS | $755,000.00 |
Questioning the CO-FT regulon model and discovering genes that regulate photoperiodic and low nitrogen-induced flowering in the model legume Medicago | UOA1405 | Associate Professor JJ Putterill | The University of Auckland | CMP | $773,000.00 |
RHS-repeat-containing proteins, a new paradigm for targeted protein delivery | UOA1406 | Associate Professor JS Lott | The University of Auckland | CMP | $773,000.00 |
How to avoid brain damage during oxygen deprivation? Intertidal fish provide a unique test model | UOA1407 | Dr AJR Hickey | The University of Auckland | CMP | $773,000.00 |
Predicting the adaptive potential of small populations: a case study in the endangered New Zealand hihi | UOA1408 | Dr AW Santure | University of Auckland | EEB | $808,000.00 |
8,000 years of hunter-gatherer adaptation: burial and bioarchaeology at Roonka, Australia | UOA1409 | Associate Professor JH Littleton | The University of Auckland | EHB | $675,000.00 |
Robotic ‘therapy and assessment’ to understand the development of muscle function in children with cerebral palsy following botulinum toxin treatments | UOA1410 | Dr AJ McDaid | The University of Auckland | EIS | $300,000.00 |
Biophysical modelling of water and ion transport in the lungs | UOA1411 | Dr VA Suresh | The University of Auckland | EIS | $770,000.00 |
Uncovering the hidden secrets of rivers: the role of interlayer structures | UOA1412 | Dr H Friedrich | The University of Auckland | EIS | $300,000.00 |
Optical micro-elastography and biomechanics of the lung alveolar tissue | UOA1413 | Associate Professor MH Tawhai | The University of Auckland | EIS | $765,000.00 |
Getting inside the earthquake machine: fine-scale imaging of the Alpine Fault zone | UOA1414 | Dr L Adam | University of Auckland | ESA | $300,000.00 |
Auckland lakes as climate dipsticks: producing unique insights into the nature and drivers of the past 117,000 years of climate change | UOA1415 | Associate Professor PC Augustinus | The University of Auckland | ESA | $800,000.00 |
Good neighbourliness in international law | UOA1416 | Dr AKM Hertogen | The University of Auckland | HUM | $300,000.00 |
Symmetry breaking and pattern formation in asthmatic lungs | UOA1417 | Dr GM Donovan | The University of Auckland | MIS | $300,000.00 |
A question of identity: statistical methods for a new era in wildlife abundance estimation | UOA1418 | Associate Professor RM Fewster | The University of Auckland | MIS | $453,000.00 |
Extremes in two-dimensional Brownian geometry | UOA1419 | Dr JA Goodman | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | MIS | $300,000.00 |
Axioms and algorithms for multi-winner elections | UOA1420 | Professor AM Slinko | The University of Auckland | MIS | $535,000.00 |
Probing the chemistry of novel protein crosslinks | UOA1421 | Dr CJ Squire | The University of Auckland | PCB | $750,000.00 |
Unravelling the unprecedented architecture of the NZ natural product portimine using molecular chess | UOA1422 | Professor MA Brimble | The University of Auckland | PCB | $765,000.00 |
Power to the people? A comparative study of workplace reform in New Zealand | UOA1423 | Dr HL Delaney | University of Auckland | SOC | $300,000.00 |
Understanding corporate welfare in an age of austerity | UOA1424 | Dr GA Cotterell | University of Auckland | SOC | $300,000.00 |
Samoan transnational matai (titled chiefs): ancestor god 'avatars' or merely title-holders? | UOA1425 | Dr M Anae | The University of Auckland | SOC | $705,000.00 |
What do the claimants say? Reconceptualising the treaty claims settlement process | UOA1426 | Professor MS Mutu | The University of Auckland | SOC | $710,000.00 |
Intergenerational investments or selling ancestors? Maori perspectives of privatising New Zealand's electricity generating assets | UOA1427 | Dr ML Muru-Lanning | University of Auckland | SOC | $300,000.00 |
Maori-medium educational scholarship | UOA1428 | Dr GM Stewart | The University of Auckland | SOC | $300,000.00 |
Epigenetics and flexible plant memory: how past environmental cues lead to episodic mast flowering | UOC1401 | Professor MH Turnbull | University of Canterbury | EEB | $775,000.00 |
Unravelling the neural mechanisms of speech production: insights from EEG and fMRI in people who stutter | UOC1402 | Dr C Theys | University of Canterbury | EHB | $300,000.00 |
May I have your attention please: a hybrid model of cognition and attention for wearable computers | Declined | Professor MN Billinghurst | University of Canterbury | EIS | $0.00 |
Tidal bending of ice shelves: the key to understanding Antarctic grounding zones | UOC1404 | Dr OJ Marsh | University of Canterbury | ESA | $300,000.00 |
Probing the origins of high-energy cosmic rays with precision neutrino observations | UOC1405 | Associate Professor JA Adams | University of Canterbury | ESA | $770,000.00 |
Light switchable functional metal-organic cages | UOC1406 | Professor PE Kruger | University of Canterbury | PCB | $750,000.00 |
Allosteric regulation and the dynamics of a molecular pendulum that controls a catalytic clock | UOC1407 | Professor EJ Parker | University of Canterbury | PCB | $760,000.00 |
Functional dissection of a novel GABAergic pathway in the brain circuitry controlling fertility | UOO1401 | Dr RE Campbell | University of Otago | BMS | $820,000.00 |
Oxytocin: a safety brake preventing excessive activation of the stress axis | UOO1402 | Dr KJ Iremonger | University of Otago | BMS | $300,000.00 |
Redox regulation of cell death | UOO1403 | Associate Professor MB Hampton | University of Otago | BMS | $815,000.00 |
Mapping neuroplasticity in the brain | UOO1404 | Associate Professor RM Empson | University of Otago | BMS | $820,000.00 |
Primed for action: bacterial adaptive immunity | UOO1405 | Dr PC Fineran | University of Otago | CMP | $773,000.00 |
Functional and morphological dissection of a plastic neuroendocrine circuit | UOO1406 | Dr SJ Bunn | University of Otago | CMP | $773,000.00 |
Memory impairments after stroke, a stressful condition | UOO1407 | Dr AN Clarkson | University of Otago | CMP | $773,000.00 |
Making war or babies: division of labour and social evolution in parasites | UOO1408 | Professor R Poulin | University of Otago | EEB | $790,000.00 |
The causes and consequences of multidimensional individual specialisation in freshwater fish | UOO1409 | Dr T Ingram | University of Otago | EEB | $300,000.00 |
Are genetic shifts in dispersal ability key to resolving the “paradox of the great speciators”? | UOO1410 | Dr BC Robertson | University of Otago | EEB | $808,000.00 |
The evolution of the functional diversity of forests | UOO1411 | Professor SI Higgins | University of Otago | EEB | $808,000.00 |
Use it or lose it: unravelling the genetic basis of flight-loss in New Zealand's alpine insects | UOO1412 | Professor JM Waters | University of Otago | EEB | $808,000.00 |
Transitions in prehistory: subsistence and health change in northern Chile | UOO1413 | Dr SE Halcrow | University of Otago | EHB | $720,000.00 |
Dressing for survival and success: what pre-European Maori wore for adaptive realisation | UOO1414 | Dr CA Smith | University of Otago | EHB | $300,000.00 |
Pushed to the limits: investigating the significance of agricultural transfers and innovation in southern Polynesian colonisation | UOO1415 | Associate Professor IG Barber | University of Otago | EHB | $720,000.00 |
Captured in amber: ecological complexity in New Zealand's ancient araucarian forests | UOO1416 | Associate Professor DE Lee | University of Otago | ESA | $810,000.00 |
Slow creep or fast rupture in faults? Linking nature and experiment to understand the earthquake source | UOO1417 | Dr SAF Smith | University of Otago | ESA | $300,000.00 |
Evolution equations with memory and random fluctuations | UOO1418 | Dr BB Baeumer | University of Otago | MIS | $565,000.00 |
Developing inversion methods for non-stationary thinning of point processes | UOO1419 | Dr T Wang | University of Otago | MIS | $300,000.00 |
Borrowing from nature’s library: fundamental insights into molecular recognition by chemoreceptors | UOO1420 | Dr ML Gerth | University of Otago | PCB | $300,000.00 |
A new politics of peace? Investigations in contemporary pacifism and nonviolence | UOO1421 | Professor RDW Jackson | University of Otago | SOC | $595,000.00 |
Constant coconuts: a history of a versatile commodity in the Pacific world | UOO1422 | Professor JA Bennett | University of Otago | SOC | $710,000.00 |
The price is right? | UOW1401 | Professor JK Gibson | The University of Waikato | EHB | $700,000.00 |
Bed roughness controls on mangrove swamp stability | UOW1402 | Associate Professor KR Bryan | University of Waikato | EIS | $710,000.00 |
The terrestrial carbon cycle in transition: tracking changes using novel tracers on multiple timescales | UOW1403 | Dr A Hartland | University of Waikato | ESA | $300,000.00 |
Te Mauria Whiritoi: the sky as a cultural resource - Maori astronomy, ritual and ecological knowledge | UOW1404 | Dr R Matamua | The University of Waikato | SOC | $710,000.00 |
Mining Mincle: how Mincle ligands can lead to more effective vaccines | VUW1401 | Dr BL Stocker | Victoria University of Wellington | BMS | $705,000.00 |
Metagenome mining for new bioactive natural products within New Zealand's terrestrial and marine microbial communities | VUW1402 | Dr JG Owen | Victoria University of Wellington | CMP | $300,000.00 |
Developmental reversals in children's false memories for experienced events | VUW1403 | Dr DA Brown | Victoria University of Wellington | EHB | $585,000.00 |
Investment in physical capital: the effects of competition and uncertainty | VUW1404 | Professor GA Guthrie | Victoria University of Wellington | EHB | $400,000.00 |
An optical omniscope with 20/20 microvision: imaging the near- and far-fields simultaneously | VUW1405 | Dr CP Moore | Victoria University of Wellington | EIS | $300,000.00 |
Strain-engineered lead-free ferroelectric thin films | VUW1406 | Dr EM Anton | Victoria University of Wellington | EIS | $300,000.00 |
Structure and uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains | VUW1407 | Professor TA Stern | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $790,000.00 |
Swings and roundabouts? What drives opposing trends in sea ice between the Ross and Amundsen Seas? | VUW1408 | Associate Professor JA Renwick | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $800,000.00 |
Exploring Maori legal traditions | VUW1409 | Dr CH Jones | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $300,000.00 |
Rape myths as barriers to fair trial practices | VUW1410 | Associate Professor E McDonald | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $540,000.00 |
Personal geographies and global networks: William Colenso and the Victorian Republic of Letters | VUW1411 | Dr SJ Shep | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $540,000.00 |
A banner of peace? Missions and peace activism, 1814-1850 | VUW1412 | Dr GM Troughton | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $300,000.00 |
Secret world: security intelligence and state surveillance in New Zealand, 1907-2007 | VUW1413 | Professor RS Hill | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $495,000.00 |
Tinker, tailor, soldier, settler: garrison and empire in the nineteenth century | VUW1414 | Professor CJ Macdonald | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $540,000.00 |
Missing narratives of modern Chinese intellectual history: modernity and writings on art, 1900-1930 | VUW1415 | Professor Y Wang | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $495,000.00 |
Winning elections in Ancient Rome: ideology and practice | VUW1416 | Professor WJ Tatum | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $275,000.00 |
The final stages of the Hawking evaporation of black holes | VUW1417 | Professor M Visser | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $538,000.00 |
Numerical solution of time-dependent multi-dimensional nonlinear dispersive wave equations with applications to coastal hydrodynamics | VUW1418 | Dr D Mitsotakis | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $300,000.00 |
Nanoparticle-nanorod frameworks | Declined | Associate Professor RD Tilley | Victoria University of Wellington | PCB | $0.00 |
Putting the heat on high-temperature superconductors | VUW1420 | Dr JG Storey | Victoria University of Wellington | PCB | $300,000.00 |
Novel organic metal halides for perovskite sensitised solar cells | VUW1421 | Dr J Halpert | Victoria University of Wellington | PCB | $300,000.00 |
Educating for emigration? Searching for appropriate education policy in the Pacific Islands | VUW1422 | Professor JD Overton | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $710,000.00 |
Re-placing commodity dependence: alternative sustainable and ethical value chains in the resource periphery | VUW1423 | Professor WE Murray | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $710,000.00 |
Rape, silencing and objectification: a socio-cultural analysis of barriers to rape reform | VUW1424 | Associate Professor J Jordan | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $610,000.00 |
Kernels of hope: following coconut commodities from the Pacific to the West | VUW1425 | Dr AK Henderson | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $300,000.00 |
Sounding the heart: the mechanics of cardiac elastography | UOA1429 | Professor Alistair Young | The University of Auckland | EIS | $770,000.00 |