Hawke’s Bay Branch

Read about the Hawke's Bay Branch of the Royal Society Te Apārangi
Formed: 14 September 1874 (as the Hawke’s Bay Philosophical Institute)
Known founding members: William Colenso, JD Ormond, Bishop of Waiapu (William Williams), JM Gibbes, HR Holder, S Locke, JA Smith, WI Spense, FWC Sturm.
William Colenso was an instrumental figure in the Branch’s first decade of existence and left a remarkable heritage, arranging meetings, giving lecture, and choosing most of the books for its library, bequeathing botanical and zoological specimens after his death. The Branch awards the annual Colenso Memorial Award in recognition of his contribution to the establishment.
The Branch was instrumental in founding the Natural History Museum and supports the Hawke’s Bay Science Science Fair and an oral history recording project which consists of recored interviews with Hawke’s Bay people who have contributed to science or the promotion of science
Read more: History of the Hawke's Bay Branch
Become a member: http://hawkesbay.rsnzbranch.org.nz/membership/
Listen to the Oral History Project with Radio Kidnappers: http://hawkesbay.rsnzbranch.org.nz/scientists-on-air/