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View recipients of the Mason Durie Medal.

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The 2023 Mason Durie Medal has been awarded to Stephen May for pioneering groundbreaking work in language rights, and the related fields of Indigenous language revitalisation, bilingual education, critical multiculturalism, and the multilingual turn in language learning.

Previous recipients


Hallie Buckley for transforming the way we conceptualise the biomedical history of the ancestors of modern Polynesians, and ground-breaking discoveries of ancient disease in Asia.


Tony Ward for advances in the frontiers of social science, for original research on treating violent individuals that has been hugely influential around the world.


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Lisa Matisoo-Smith for her ground-breaking work that has, through strong relationships with New Zealand's Indigenous people, reshaped our understanding of the last great human migration into the Pacific.


Cris Shore for his contributions to political anthropology and the study of organisations, governance and power. He has pioneered the use of anthropological methods to study policy and institutions.


Viviane Robinson for her contribution to educational research by identifying the differential impact of different types of school leadership practice on the achievement of learners, which has materially changed national and international educational policy and practice.


Keith Petrie for his eminent research on patients’ perceptions of illness, how these affect recovery, and how they can be used to improve patients’ health outcomes.


Charles Higham for his work to understand social change in Southeast Asia over three millennia.


John Pratt who has advanced the field of the sociology of punishment and comparative penology, specifically why the punishment of offenders changes over time and comparisons between English-speaking and Nordic societies.


Russell Gray for his pioneering social science research on questions of fundamental relationships between human language, cognition and biology.