Obituaries of Fellows
Obituaries of our Fellows
Alick (Lindsay) Poole
Alister George McLellan
Andrew John Pullan
Anne Briar Smith
Brian Coote
Charles Roger Slack
David Beaglehole
David Christopher Thorns
David Fergusson
David Ian Pool
(1936 – 2022)
David John Galloway
David Kear
Derek Frank Lawden
Desmond Taylor
(1941 – 2022)
Diana Florence Hill
(1943 - 2024)
Diana Rae Martin
Douglas Saxon Coombs
Eddie Robertson
Edward George Bollard
Eric John Godley
George Bouet Petersen
Gregor William Yeates
Henry Eamonn Connor
Henry (Harry) McCallion
Ian James Hodgkinson
(1939 – 2022)
James Douglas Watson
(1943 - 2017)
James William Brodie
Jim Flynn
(1934 – 2020)
John Bastow Wilson
John Hodgson
John Roger Flenley
Judith Mary Caroline Binney
Keith Syers
Ken McNatty
Kenneth Brailey Cumberland
Kenneth (Radway) Allen
Kenneth Thomas (Ken) Strongman
Kevin Russel Tate
(1943 – 2018)
Kuan Meng Goh
Lawrence Kenneth Creamer
Leon Francis Phillips
(1935 – 2023)
Leslie Kay
Michael Corballis
(1936 - 2021)
Sir Neil Waters
(1931 – 2018)
Pablo Gabriel Etchegoin
Patricia Rose Bergquist
Paul Kibblewhite
(1941 - 2015)
Peter James Lorimer
Peter Leonard Bergquist
(1934 - 2020)
Philip Grattan Roughan
(1937 – 2022)
(Philip) John Scott
Philippa Wiggins
(1925 to 2017)
Reinhard Klette
Richard Lindsay Dowden
Richard John Norris
Richard Patrick (Pat) Suggate
Robert John (Robin) Ferrier
Robert Montgomery McDowall
Roderick (Rod) Leon Bieleski
(1931 ‒ 2016)
Roger Cooper
(1939 – 2020)
Ross Ewen Beever
Stephen David Wratten
Thomas Paulay
Weston James Sandle
William Hewat McLeod